US President Joe Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping are set to hold a high-stakes meeting in California, and there is no shortage of potentially tricky topics to discuss.

The Setting for Diplomacy: A Meeting in Bali

In an era where U.S.-China relations are characterized by strategic competition, the meeting between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping in Bali, Indonesia, was a crucial opportunity to clarify intentions, manage differences, and explore areas of potential cooperation. It was a dialogue between two leaders representing the world’s leading powers, each with their own set of priorities and concerns.

The U.S. Perspective: Competition, Stability, and Human Rights

President Biden laid out a clear message: while the U.S. will continue to compete vigorously with China, it is critical to avoid conflict and ensure open lines of communication. Biden was candid about the U.S.’s competitive strategy, which includes bolstering domestic strengths and aligning with global allies and partners. Moreover, Biden did not avoid sensitive topics, addressing concerns over China’s internal human rights issues in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, and the country’s actions regarding Taiwan and economic practices.

China’s Stance: Addressing Global Challenges Together

From China’s viewpoint, as articulated by President Xi, there is an acknowledgment of the need to work with the U.S. to tackle global challenges. Topics like climate change, global economic stability, health security, and food security were highlighted as areas where mutual cooperation is expected by the international community. Both leaders agreed to empower senior officials to continue discussions and deepen constructive efforts on these fronts.

Confronting Global Security Concerns

The talks also ventured into pressing global security matters. President Biden brought up Russia’s war against Ukraine and the nuclear threats posed, a topic of international concern where both leaders found common ground, affirming that nuclear war should never be fought. The North Korean issue was also on the agenda, with Biden reaffirming the U.S.’s commitment to defending its allies in the Indo-Pacific.

The Path Forward: Secretary of State’s Upcoming China Visit

Signaling a commitment to continue high-level engagement, the two leaders agreed that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken would visit China to follow up on their discussions. This upcoming visit is a step towards maintaining the dialogue momentum and addressing the complexities of U.S.-China relations.

Conclusion: A Delicate Balance

The Biden-Xi meeting was a balancing act of expressing concerns, affirming positions, and seeking cooperation. While both sides have their reservations and distinctive agendas, the dialogue in Bali opened pathways for potential collaboration on various issues of global significance. As the world watches, the outcomes of these talks and subsequent engagements like Blinken’s visit will shape the future of international diplomacy and the strategic landscape of the 21st century.